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বৃহস্পতিবার ● ৭ জুন ২০১২
প্রথম পাতা » English » ITU Deputy Secretary General visit the first Online School of Bangladesh
প্রথম পাতা » English » ITU Deputy Secretary General visit the first Online School of Bangladesh
৫৮০ বার পঠিত
বৃহস্পতিবার ● ৭ জুন ২০১২
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ITU Deputy Secretary General visit the first Online School of Bangladesh

ITU Deputy Secretary General visit the first Online School of Bangladesh
The visiting Deputy Secretary General of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Houlin Zhao and Chairman of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Maj Gen (Retd.) Zia Ahmed today (Friday) visited the Grameenphone supported first Online School of Bangladesh located at Jaago Foundation Tongi Branch.
Grameenphone in partnership with Jaago Foundation and Agni Systems Ltd. are working together to provide high quality education in both sub-urban and rural areas of Bangladesh.
This ground-breaking initiative aims to assure quality education for underprivileged and left-out students who are not able to go to school in the rural areas. Moreover, it creates a scope for teacher development as moderators will learn how classes are conducted post which they will gain the expertise of conducting these classes independently.
The concept of “Online School” is very simple. The whole idea of the Online School is that the teacher conducts class from a distant location using video conferencing technology and at the local level there are moderators who help the teacher in operational issues. These moderators are from the local community and have no teaching background.
At present, the Online School is facilitating the elementary level teaching; however, as the program efficiently develops in the future it will be taken to deep rural and hard-to-reach areas in Bangladesh. This could be a model to bridge the gap between quality of education in rural and urban areas.
Grameenphone is responsible citizen of Bangladesh and they have always strived to improve the lives of the children who are the future of tomorrow by giving them the opportunities to be educated and build the foundation of a bright future. Agni Systems Ltd. and Jaago Foundation are other partners of the initiative.

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