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ঢাকা, মার্চ ৪, ২০২৫, ২০ ফাল্গুন ১৪৩১
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প্রথম পাতা » English » Erudeversity To offer Courses In Bangla
প্রথম পাতা » English » Erudeversity To offer Courses In Bangla
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মঙ্গলবার ● ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০১৫
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Erudeversity To offer Courses In Bangla

erudeversity.jpgThe New York based popular tech education company, Erudeversity (www.erudeversity.com) now started to translate IT courses in Bengali. It now offers courses and training video library in four most spoken languages (English, Spanish, Hindi & Bengali). Erudeversity  is the easiest way to learn, acquire new skills, teach and share knowledge in preferred languages for free! The beta version of this web platform was released in end of 2014 and thousands of users all around the world have been taught already!

“We have started to produce courses in Bengali & Hindi by considering the demand and large number of Bengali speaking people around the world. Erudeversity believes that job-oriented IT education doesn’t have to cost a fortune anymore and anyone can now become a freelancer, graphic designer, software developer or entrepreneur from home” said Thomas Vaidyan, Direcrtor of Erudeversity. Also, selected instructors get to create new courses on this platform and get paid based on video views and popularity per month.

Users from all over the world can access Erudeversity’s official web platform to brush-up existing skills or get ready for a new job in Graphics Design, Web Development, Animation, Programming & Entrepreneurship. The company is committed to provide quality technical courses in topics and software tools that are high in demand in the current job market. Unlike other video training companies, Erudeversity’s aim is to provide up to date tutorial videos at no cost to the end-users.

Erudeversity is overwhelmed by the response especially from North America, Europe and South Asian countries. They are adding new courses and video tutorials every week and planning to translate the courses into many other languages.

Erudeversity is reinventing the way current education works; with its interactive open source platform for providing a one-stop platform for learning, teaching and sharing knowledge at zero cost.

পাঠকের মন্তব্য

(মতামতের জন্যে সম্পাদক দায়ী নয়।)
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