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DCCI and CTO Forum signed MoU
Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) and Chief Technical Officer (CTO) Forum Bangladesh have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at DCCI on June 27, 2013. DCCI Secretary (Acting) Bashir Haider and Treasurer of CTO Forum Dr. Ijazul Haque signed the MoU on behalf their respective organizations. DCCI President Md. Sabur Khan and CTO Forum Bangladesh president Tapan Kanti Sarkar were also present among others.
The CTO Forum Bangladesh is a forum of present and former Chief Technology Officers/Chief Information Officers/Heads of Technology / Heads of IT / IT Managers or equivalent position of any ICT user organization in Bangladesh.
According to the MoU both the parties will conduct research on IT issues. CTO Forum will work together with DCCI in creating 2000 new entrepreneurs. Besides, both the parties will arrange workshops, seminars on electronic Banking prospect and future, enterprise resource planning, human resource, cyber security, e-commerce and IT leadership on mutual agreements.
DCCI President Md. Sabur Khan informed, CTO Forum will co-operate DCCI by providing technological support to “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Expo 2013” a project of DCCI for creating 2000 new entrepreneurs. He also informed that DCCI and CTO Forum will now work together for the betterment of IT and ICT sector of Bangladesh.
President of CTO Forum Bangladesh Tapan Kanti Sarkar called upon all to support CTO Forum in their infrastructure development so that they could contribute to the IT and technology sector of Bangladesh.