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Nokia Phones Now Available in Credit Card Instalment
The credit card instalment purchase scheme for Nokia phones are now available from all Nokia Stores across the country, making the facility available to even more people than before.
Any Nokia device above the price range of 10,000 BDT can be purchased in instalments through credit cards from Standard Chartered Bank, BRAC Bank, Bank Asia and The City Bank (AMEX). This offer may be availed by anybody from 27 different Nokia stores all across the country.
The customer has the choice of buying the phone in 3, 6 or 12 month equal instalments, this wide selection making sure the Nokia phones are in reach for the widest possible number of people. Furthermore, the instalment purchase option is completely interest free!
For example, if a phone’s price is 12,000 BDT, the consumer could pay 1,000 BDT for 12 months through their credit card with no additional costs incurred. Or he/she can pay 2,000 BDT for 6 months or 4,000 BDT for 3 months.
Mr. Radi Ahmed Chowdhury, from Nokia said, “We are proud to extend this instalment purchase option from more retail outlets, making Nokia phones more reachable than ever by more people than ever before.”