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প্রথম পাতা » English » Nurunnaby Chowdhury Join as Bangladesh Ambassador of OKFN
প্রথম পাতা » English » Nurunnaby Chowdhury Join as Bangladesh Ambassador of OKFN
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বৃহস্পতিবার ● ৬ জুন ২০১৩
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Nurunnaby Chowdhury Join as Bangladesh Ambassador of OKFN

Nurunnaby Chowdhury Join as Bangladesh Ambassador of OKFNOpen Knowledge Foundation Network (OKFN) an organization based on UK working on open source has announced its Bangladesh’s ambassador as Nurunnaby Chowdhury Hasive. Recently official declaration has been given on behalf of the organization. He has started his work from this 1st June. OKFN was inaugurated at 2004 as a non-profitable organization. The works that the organization does are – Open Spending, School of Data, Open GLAM, Open Government Data, Open Transport, Open Science, Open Economics, Open Bibliography, Open Access, Public Domain etc. This is the first time Nurunnaby Chowdhury Hasive has joined an international organization as Bangladesh’s representative.

Hasive, now enrolled in one of the most popular media of Bangladesh, is involved in open source software’s different initiatives and programs since 2007. He is the Treasurer & Public Relations Coordinator of Bangladesh Open Source Network (BDOSN). Besides this he is adding/editing new issues on schedule basis in Bangla Wikipedia (http://goo.gl/Wyvds) since 2008. Besides Wikipedia, he active in different projects of Wikimedia along with Wikimedia common. More than seven thousand edit on issues like Bangladesh, Independence War, Freedom Fighter are his subject of his contribution at Wikipedia in English and Bangla language. According to Hasive, ‘OKFN’s main work is not only on open knowledge but also various issues related with open source movement. Generally, for promoting and supporting open knowledge and open culture of internet OKFN select Ambassador globally.’

OKFN announce very soon the network officially open its activity at Bangladesh. Anyone interest will join at the Mailing address of OKFN (http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-bd). To know more about OKFN Bangladesh any one check this link (http://bd.okfn.org). Nurunnaby Chowdhury Hasive is a core volunteer of Bangladesh Mathematical Olympiad Committee and Society for the Popularizatin of Science, Bangladesh. He has two book on Open source software and Bangla Wikipedia.

পাঠকের মন্তব্য

(মতামতের জন্যে সম্পাদক দায়ী নয়।)
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রমজান উপলক্ষ্যে পাঠাও এর বিশেষ ক্যাম্পেইন
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