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Robi to organize Internet fair for students

Robi to organize Internet fair for studentsMobile Phone operator Robi Axiata Limited, in partnership with the  Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MoICT), is organizing a unique internet fair for students all over Bangladesh from Sunday, 2nd June.

The Internet fair 2013 will be launched from Comilla and it will cover 25 schools all over Bangladesh. This was informed at a press conference organized by the Mobile Operator Robi on 29 May at a city hotel.

Mr. Mostafa Faruque Mohammad, MP Hon’ble Minister of ICT was present at the event as Chief Guest. From Ministry of Information & Communication Technology, Hon’ble Secretary Mr. N I Khan was also present. From the Mobile operator Robi, Chief Financial Officer and acting CEO Mahtabuddin Ahmed, Chief Market Officer Pradeep Shrivastava were present along with other top officials.

Main objectives of this internet fair are to help transform the economy into a knowledge based one, to work with the Government in materializing Digital Bangladesh, to enhance ICT literacy, accessibility and availability for the students, promote Internet as a tool to gather knowledge among the future leaders “students” and encourage a culture of learning through Internet at schools.

Robi branded caravans will roam around educational institutes all over Bangladesh to drive internet experience. There will be 16 tablets in the caravan for users to get the internet experience.

While speaking at the press conference, Robi Chief Market Officer Pradeep Shrivastava said,” As a young country Bangladesh has youth across the country whose talents and dreams will get ignited with access to mobile Internet. It will put the knowledge of the world at their fingertip. As Robi, we feel honored to be given an opportunity to serve the country as a part of this significant initiative by the ministry.”

“Students always want to learn something new and try the latest thing. I believe this internet fair will give students, parents and teachers the opportunity to browse the World Wide Web and experience high speed internet from our one of a kind internet Caravan,” He added.

Secretary to the ministry of Information and Communication Technology Nazrul Islam Khan said, “Internet use is rising in the country. To implement the government’s digital Bangladesh goal the uses of internet need to be increased rapidly. Robi internet fair would help to create awareness about internet uses among the mass. Through the fair we want to educate the marginalized people about internet. We are very thankful to Robi for supporting us in this campaign.

While the Hon’ble Minister said, “Government has achieved a lot to build digital Bangladesh. The government has already declared Jessore as the complete digital district. The other districts will soon be declared as digital districts.”   

“The government is trying to eliminate poverty, increase the literacy rate and create awareness about internet by taking the information technology at their doorsteps. To do so the government has reduced internet price significantly,” added the  minister.    

Approximately 40 thousand students, their parents and teachers will experience the internet fair, making it one of the biggest of its kind. The internet fair offering includes internet experience zone, information and service zone, Sales zone and teachers meet.

There will also be health booths at the fair, organized by Sandoz Bangladesh, a Novartis Business Division to add an important value addition to the Internet Mela. The health booths would provide free medical support, run by experienced medical professionals, catering to all the participating students, teachers and parents of the 25 schools.

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