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Bikroy.com signs deal with Car Haat
The largest classified website in Bangladesh, Bikroy.com today signed an agreement with Car Haat, a unique selling point for all second hand cars in Dhaka. The agreement was signed by Babak Tighnavard, Head of Marketing of Bikroy.com and Md. Shamim Ahsan Sumon, CEO of Car Haat. Under the agreement, Car Haat will upload all their car ads (with pictures) on every Saturday in Bikroy.com after their weekly fair on Friday. Through this initiative Bikroy.com users will get the opportunity to directly survey the car deals available at Car Haat and Car Haat will be able to reach the vast user groups of Bikroy.com to sell their cars more quickly. The contact point from Car Haat in all ad uploads will be +8801713 002282.