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প্রথম পাতা » ICT News » Exclusive Interview of Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General- APNIC
Exclusive Interview of Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General- APNIC
Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General of Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) was recently in Bangladesh to participate and give keynote speech in the SANOG 21. That was also 10 years celebration program of SANOG. At that time he talked with ICT News regarding different issues of APNIC and Bangladeshi Internet Community.
Mr. Mohammad Kawsar Uddin, Executive Member and Ex-President of Bangladesh ICT Journalist Forum (BIJF) took the interview.
Q1. What are the main activities of APNIC?
What is main activities of APNIC ? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q-2 How can you ensure the security of the IP addresses?
How can you ensure the security of this IP address ? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q-3 What is the meaning of IPv4 to general people?
what is the meaning of IPV4 to general people ? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q4. Do you think that after 100 years another new version of Internet protocol is needed?
Would you think after soon 100 years again need any new version of Internet protocol? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q-5 If we do not transfer IPv4 to IPv6, what will be the problem for us ?
IF You doesn’t transfer IPv4 to IPv6, what will be the problem for us ? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q6. In terms of financial involvement, is this transformation suitable for Bangladeshi Companies?
In terms of financial involvement is it fishable for Bangladesh Company? from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q7. Does APNIC has any specific plan to work for IPv6 deployment in Bangladesh?
Paul Wilson Director General- APNIC from ICT News on Vimeo.
Q-8 What is your opinion about the ISPAB’s initiative for IPv6 deployment in Bangladesh?
qa- 111 from ICT News on Vimeo.
About Mr. Paul Wilson, Director General- APNIC
Paul Wilson has twenty years’ involvement with the Internet, including over ten years’ experience as the Director General of APNIC. As part of this current role, he represents the activities and interests of the Asia Pacific Internet community in local and global forums related to the development and management of the Internet. In 2012 he was also selected to the Multistakeholder Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), the groups that advise the UN Secretary-General on the program and schedule of the IGF meetings.
Previously the Chief Executive Officer of Pegasus Networks, the first private ISP established in Australia, Paul also acted as a consultant to the United Nations and other international agencies. As a primary consultant on Internet projects, including the PAN Program with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Paul helped to introduce Internet services for the first time in several developing economies.
Paul is a highly respected member of the global Internet community and participates in the following organizations: APIA, APNG, ISIF, NRO, ISOC and dotAsia.
Current Position and Activities: Paul Wilson joined APNIC in 1998 as the Director General. As part of this role, he represents the activities and interests of the Asia Pacific Internet Community in local and global forums related to the development and management of the Internet.
Current positions outside of APNIC:
Member, Advisory Group, Multistakeholder Advisory Group for the Internet Governance Forum
Director, Asia & Pacific Internet Association (APIA)
Member, Executive Committee, Asia Pacific Networking Group (APNG)
Member, Grants Evaluation Committee, Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF)
Member, Executive Council, Number Resource Organization (NRO)
Member, Advisory Committee, Internet Society (ISOC)
Member, Advisory Committee, DotAsia Organisation (.Asia)
In 1989, Paul, as Technical Director, helped set up Pegasus Networks, the first independent ISP established in Australia. From 1992 to 1997, he was the Chief Executive officer, and oversaw the successful growth of the company as a renowned service provider in Australia. During this time, he was involved with the establishment of the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), and served for several years as an APC Council and Executive Board member.
During the 1990s, Paul also consulted on various Internet projects for the United Nations and other international agencies, including the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). From 1994, he worked as a principle consultant on IDRC’s Pan Asia Networking (PAN) Program, a program aimed at introducing and developing Internet services in developing economies of the region. In that capacity he worked on projects in many locations including Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan, PNG, and China; while also working on similar activities in several countries of Latin America.