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BASIS participating in the GITEX Technology Week 2012
Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services (BASIS) in collaboration with Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) is participating in the GITEX Technology Week 2012, Dubai, and UAE. Gulf Information Technology (GITEX) is the largest IT exposition in the South Asia and the Middle-east. GITEX is being organized by Dubai World Trade and Convention Centre (DWTC) and the duration of the expo is five days i.e. October 14-18, 2012.
The participating BASIS members companies at GITEX 2012 are: Business Automation Ltd., CACTS Limited, Ethics Advance Technology Ltd., Hosting Help 24, Sysnova Information Systems Ltd., Structured Data Systems Ltd., The Databiz Software Ltd., REVE Systems, Genuity Systems and Synchronous ICT.
Mr. AKM Fahim Mashroor, President, BASIS and Ms. Farhana A Rahman, Chairman, BASIS Standing Committee on International Market Development are leading the BASIS team.
BASIS President also spoke as invited speaker on behalf of Bangladesh Software and ITES industry at the international lounge on October 15, 2012 on Offshore Outsourcing opportunities in Bangladesh.
It may be mentioned here that, BASIS members in collaboration with EPB has been participating in the GITEX for the last few years and they are getting interested in.