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Windows 7 vs windows 8
Windows 8 is the new Operating system coming soon for the Pc users. Currently you can install the beta version for free & enjoy the glance of it. We have tried the beta version, based on our experience we will describe about all the new features. Windows 8 is expected to be release on October 26, 2012.
Windows 8 is the fastest Operating system ever developed by Microsoft till now. It can Boot in less than 8 seconds. This is incredibly fast compare to other version of Windows OS. We agree windows 7 is by far better version of Windows Vista. However Windows 8 looks to be better than Windows 7.
* The speed: The speed of Windows 8 is just incredible. It could be even faster than Google chrome operating system. In past people were annoyed with the slow booting time of the previous windows series. But now people are going to experience an amazing version of Windows OS. Don’t believe us? Check out the below video for Speed Test -
* The user interface: This is the most amazing part of Windows 8. The user interface is totally different than the other previous version of Windows. The start menu of Windows is built with the combination of smooth Metro UI with desktop.You can use both Metro style interface and Desktop interface according to your wish. The metro interface is much faster and easier to use. It is designed for touch control but you can use it with mouse and keyboard. You will feel like using a super smart phone OS. If you don’t like the metro style you can easily switch to desktop mode within a second. There is no start button in the bottom left corner of the desktop. It’s because the new metro style interface is the new Start menu.
This is a screen shot of Windows 8 , all the rights are reserved to Microsoft
Photo taken by : Ceo1O17
* Metro applications: Not only it has the Metro style user interface, it also has some metro applications which will give a very different experience. Most of the other apps are just regular apps of the previous windows.
* Transparent overlay in the right side: If you move your mouse cursor at the bottom right corner, a transparent overlay will pop up with 5 useful Icons. The five Icons are search, share, start, devices and setting.
* Start menu overview mode: It is easy to go to the metro designed start menu option. Just move your Mouse cursor to the bottom left corner, then you will notice a small screen will pop up. If you click the small screen you will go to the start menu option. If you are loaded with lots of app, you can select the overview mode where you can see all the icons together and select a portion of Icons to jump in there quickly.
* Uninstall any software Instantly from anywhere: In the previous version of Windows, uninstalling a software or app was a bit complex. You often had to go to control panel (add or remove) to remove any software. But in windows 8 you just need to right click on it and click uninstall. It means you can uninstall any app from your desktop instantly. It is one of the coolest feature of windows 8 compare to other versions of Windows OS.
* New copying dialog box: If you copy any file a new dialog box will appear which will display all the stats including Speed, remaining time etc. The more files you will copy the more dialog box will. appear If you want you can pause one of the file to increase the transfer speed of the other files.
New improved Task manager: Task manager has been a special tool for every windows user. The new windows 8 task manager is much more better than the old task manager.You can see and control each and every processing of your computer very easily.
Microsoft store: There is a Microsoft store app installed by default. Now you can install app from the Microsoft store. You can try the app first, then you can buy it if you like it.
Less RAM required: Despite having so many features , windows 8 require less Mega bites of RAM than Windows 7 or Vista.