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Training workshop on Universal Acceptance held in Dhaka
A day-long event titled ‘UA Technical Training for Engineers and Software Developers’ was recently held at a hotel in Dhaka, organized by the Internet Society (ISOC) Bangladesh Chapter. About 70 professionals from various professions, including system administrators, software engineers, web developers, and journalists, participated in this hybrid event. Universal Acceptance Day is celebrated in collaboration with the Universal Acceptance (UA) Steering Group and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Sajid Rahman, Member of the Board of Directors of ICANN; Samiran Gupta, Vice President of ICANN South Asia (Stakeholder Management); and President of ISOC Bangladesh Chapter Nadir Bin Ali spoke at the opening ceremony of the training workshop. During this time, a video speech was presented by Sally Costerton, President and CEO of ICANN.
Deputy Director of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Dr. Shamsujjoha, Vice President of ISOC Bangladesh Chapter Shah Zahidur Rahman, Consultant of Bengali Language Enrichment Project of ICT Division Md. Mamun Or Rashid, Vice Chair of Email Addressing Internationalization (EAI) Working Group of Universal Acceptance (UA) Abdul Monem Galila, and USG Ambassador Sushant Sinha were the resource persons for the day-long training workshop.
Brig. Gen. Kazi Mustafizur Rahman, Director General of the Engineering and Operations Department of BTRC, handed over certificates to the participants as the chief guest at the closing ceremony of the training workshop. President of Internet Service Providers Association of Bangladesh (ISPAB) Md. Emdadul Haque, General Secretary Nazmul Karim Bhuiyan, Member of the Board of Trustees of ISOC Bangladesh Chapter Md. Jahangir Hossain, Vice President Mohammad Kawsar Uddin, General Secretary Baraktul Alam Biplob, and Treasurer Nasir Feroze spoke at the closing ceremony, among others.