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প্রথম পাতা » English » ‘The Change Makers 2022’ - new initiative to take the e-commerce sector forward
‘The Change Makers 2022’ - new initiative to take the e-commerce sector forward
(Dhaka, April 24, 2022) The birth of e-commerce is to make life easier. In this era of online, people’s purchasing behavior is changing. In developed countries, this trend started a long time ago.
E-commerce is also becoming popular in Bangladesh. And after the arrival of Covid-19, the need for e-commerce has increased more than ever before. Trading on e-commerce sites is also much easier now. According to the study, there are an estimated 2,500 e-commerce sites in Bangladesh. There are more than 150,000 Facebook-based business ventures. Millions of products are being ordered and delivered on these platforms every day.
The e-commerce sector’s annual growth is currently around 75%. The size of the sector is Rs 8,000 crore. By 2023, the size of the sector is expected to exceed Rs 25,000 crore.
Bangladesh’s ecommerce sector is now much more mature than ever before. But is it possible to keep pace with the other ten sectors of the country, or with the outside world?
There is so much patronage of the government towards ecommerce, so many good entrepreneurs in the ecommerce industry- then why not have a small-medium-entrepreneur-friendly ecommerce environment?
To address this question, a number of entrepreneurs in the e-commerce sector have come together to work together for the development of the ecommerce sector and started the ‘The Change Makers 2022′ platform.
Biplab Ghosh Rahul, one of the entrepreneurs, said, “We want to make the e-commerce sector truly business-friendly and ensure all support to the entrepreneurs in creating an e-commerce eco-system.
Adnan Imtiaz Halim, another entrepreneur, said, “Our main job is to increase the credibility of the customer and at the same time work with the government to create realistic policies with the right guidelines to implement the policies.”